How Effective Are Mind Control Techniques On Anxiety

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How Effective Are Mind Control Techniques On Anxiety
Karen Larsen
Anxiety or panic attacks, at their core, are conditions of the mind. Different people can go through the same situation and yet experience that situation in totally different ways.
For example, a person who is claustrophobic may experience a rapid increase in heart rate as they prepare to be placed in an MRI chamber for medical tests, while others experience no apprehension at all. Someone with a fear of public speaking may experience sweating and nervousness when asked to address a large crowd while others may be exhilarated by being the center of attention.
Fortunately, those with phobias and fears such as these, have a lot of options these day. Typically, these fears are addressed by having the person take a prescribed medicine of some sort. And, many of these medications can be extremely effective. However, seeming as how phobias and fears are mainly a product of the mind, it makes sense that some might also wonder about the effectiveness of certain mind control techniques such as hypnosis in controlling those anxieties.
Over the years, there have been quite few research studies that have shown hypnosis to be capable of having dramatic, measurable effects on the body. In fact, a skilled hypnotist can influence the heart rate of a subject by causing it to slow down. He can also guide the subject into a transcendental state of mind where the body is relaxed, the tensions vanish, and the fear disappears.
So, at this point, it has been proven beyond a doubt that an accomplished hypnotist is capable of being extremely effective in assisting someone to cope with their anxiety levels. Unfortunately, however, a person with these skills is usually not around when you happen to need him. Therefore, the real question is, how easy is it for the average person to be taught to use self hypnosis to control his or her fears and panic attacks themselves?
Unfortunately, there is not a definitive answer to that. Hypnotism is both an art and a learned skill. And, as is true with most any skill, everyone simply does not have the same natural aptitude for learning that ability. After they have properly learned hypnotic methods, a number of them will be able to very easily learn to lower their anxiety levels when facing a tense scenario.
Others may require weeks or months of practice to get to the same level of proficiency. And, unfortunately, others will never be able to master the techniques well enough to completely conquer their anxieties. But, with practice, even this last group of people, will usually find themselves able to lessen the amount of tension that they carry around with them.
It is also worth remembering that, even though anxiety attacks are a creation of the mind, some people have real hormonal imbalances that make their minds more susceptible to such attacks. In these individuals, even though hypnosis may help, prescribed medications may be necessary to fully treat their anxiety issues.
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anxiety panic disorders
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