Easy Tips On How To Tone Thighs

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Submitted by: Nick Lopez
There are certain exercises that you should do in order to tone your muscle. Squats and lunges exercises are some of the examples of exercise you can do in order to tone your thighs. Following the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one should engage in these thigh muscle toning exercises at least 2 times per week. Here are some of the exercises you should perform.
You can tone your thigh by squatting. However, if you want to achieve a better result, you have to do the exercise properly. Stamp your feet on the ground firmly. Keep them a little bit hip-width apart from each other. Relax your shoulder by placing your hands on your sides. Remain steady in that position as you tighten your abdominal muscle. As if you want to sit down, gradually reduce your height. Make sure that the ground is parallel to your thigh. Do not bend your knee so that it will pass your toes. Slowly go back to your initial position. Repeat the exercise for some time.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers is another exercise that you should learn if you are learning how to tone your thigh. It is not difficult. Start by placing your hands on the floor. Position yourself as sprinters do when they are getting ready to race. Stretch one of your legs behind you and bend the other one underneath your leg. Tighten your abdominal muscle and then change the position of your legs by jumping. But make sure that the hands remain in their normal position.
Jump and Reach
Start this exercise by lowering yourself as if you want to squat. Your upper body should lean forward over the knees. Stretch your arms behind you as you are preparing to jump. Jump into the air as you are bringing your arms up. You should land on your mid-foot. This will help to reduce noise and the impact on the hips and knees. You can challenge yourself more by performing knee tucks together with each jump.
Relax your arms and shoulders as you stand erect while keeping your feet together. Move one of your feet forward while tightening your muscle. Keep your back knee and forefoot knee at angle 90 as you are lowering yourself. Keep your shoulder relaxed when you are performing the exercise. Return to your starting position by pushing off your forefoot.
Side leg lifts
You will need an exercise mat in order to perform side leg lifts. Lie down on your side. Rest your head with one of your hands using the elbow as a support. The remaining arm should be on top of your side. An exercise ball should be between your feet. Lift the ball from the ground using your hips and butts. Bring down the ball after holding on for few seconds. Repeat the exercise for some time.
There are other exercises that you can do in order to tone your thigh. If you want to learn how to tone your thigh, you can practice many of these exercises.
About the Author: Nick Lopez is
Dearborn s #1 Personal Trainer
and most sought after
Weight Loss Expert.
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