5 Ways To Make Your Bedroom A Peaceful Environment

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By Mike Arlen
Most people want their bedroom to be a relaxing retreat from the craziness of the world, but many time it doesnt end up that way. Sometimes trouble relaxing and sleeping at night can be traced to the way the bedroom is decorated and organized. Following are some tips to keep in mind when trying to create a peaceful and relaxing environment in your bedroom.
Get Rid of the Television
The television is the number-one distraction that prevents people from falling asleep at night or being able to de-stress in their bedroom. One room in the home that a television definitely doesnt belong in is the bedroom. It has been shown that a television on before you go to sleep at night doe s more harm than good, despite the fact that some people swear by falling asleep to the TV. So when you are deciding how to design your bedroom, keep the television out of the dcor.
Choose Relaxing Colors for the Walls
If the colors in your bedroom are either too bold or too dark, that can also be a distraction. For a relaxing and peaceful environment, you need to start with by putting colors on the walls that are also relaxing and peaceful. Neutral or pastel colors are usually best, including tan, cream, light pink, and light yellow. You want to avoid harsh colors such as red, black, and dark green, as they can actually affect your mood in a negative way.
Get a Comfortable Bed and Mattress
While its nice to have wood beds that match your wood bedroom furniture dcor, its much more important to be sure that its comfortable. After all, if your bed and mattress are uncomfortable, its only going to make it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night. If no other bed is going to do, then be sure to make up for any awkwardness by buying a comfortable mattress for the bed.
Include a Water Feature in the Bedroom
If youre looking for something to help you be able to relax at night, a water feature such as a small fountain in your bedroom might be just the thing. Many find the soft trickle of water a great sound to fall asleep to at night. For many, the sound helps clear and calm the mind, allowing them to fall asleep much faster. Do be sure, however, that the sound of water is soothing and not annoying to you before placing a water feature in your bedroom.
Buy the Proper Window Treatments to Block Out the Light
In the bedroom, window treatments have double duty. Although they should add some style and character to the rooms dcor, they also need to be functional. Unless you prefer getting up at 5:00 a.m. when the sun starts to rise, you need to have window treatments in your bedroom that will block out the light. You can also choose to dress the window with a great curtain or valance and then add a pair of functional blinds.
When you go to decorate your bedroom, first think about what items help you to relax. In the end, these are the items that you need to incorporate into the style of the room. Its important to remember that just because a dcor item fits perfectly with a rooms theme doesnt necessarily mean it belongs in your bedroom.
About the Author: Mike Arlen is a writer for
and is currently remodeling and decorating his new colonial style home. If you want to learn more about improving your home, interior design, or
bedroom decorating
in general you can visit his blog at http://RemodDetroit.com/
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